
#1 Attributes


This tab consists of a grid and a small toolbar, made up of 3 buttons. In the grid the user can manually insert data, coming from Encoder tables. In the grid there are the following columns:

Attribute: from this column and thanks to the specific combo box it is possible to recall the encoder tables names;
Attribute Value: through this column and by using the tooltip or an help that can be expanded thanks to a double click on the yellow box, it is possible to insert manually precodified data. The data come from the table that has been selected in the previous column. This occurs if Encoder table has been created with the 'Tabular' encoder and also thanks to the insertion of precodified data into table. Otherwise the attribute value has to be inserted into the other field manually, as follows;
Attribute Value: through this column the user can insert manually a value that it is possible to link to the selected table into 'Attribute' column. In case of table created without 'tabular' encoder, the user is obliged to insert an alphanumeric data within this column, otherwise it is not possible to save the grid line;
Editable: in this column appears a flag, that if active, enables the user to decide which attribute inserted into the planned order has to be edited in a following step, e.g. within the production order that is generated directly from that planned order and so within the production order whose item is the same as the planned order one.

Then there is a small toolbar where there are 3 buttons: the first one starting from the left and identified with an icon containing the letter 'P' enables the user to insert automatically into the grid the same attributes together with the same values that are in a planned order previously created for the same item and customer; the secondo ne starting from the left and identified with an icon containing 'ART' enables the user to insert automatically into the grid the same attributes together with the same values that are in the Items Register, 'Other Data' tab, if available; last button moved on the right of the tab enables the user to view additional information related to the encoder data table, that is the Code, ID and possibly Description, if available. 

BuildDate : 31 marzo 2015

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